為了野生樺褐菌(白樺茸)提取物配方達致最佳效益,我們在長達四年的時間及進行了嚴格的科學研究,在過程中動用約三百多萬美元的投資款項,並與婦女及癌症基金會結盟和進行科學研究和測試。總體而言,在這研究項目中超過2,000多名人員參與,並最終成功研發 “采嘉 -野生樺褐菌(白樺茸)提取物” 的過程。
采嘉 -野生樺褐菌(白樺茸)提取物比其他白樺茸產品優勢之處
The process of determining the best formulation of wild Chaga drops took over four years of rigorous scientific research conducted in alliance with the Women and Cancer Fund at an expenditure of about $3 Million. In total, this research included over 2,000 participants and resulted in the Wildcrafted Siberian Chaga.
Wildcrafted Siberiαn Chaga is superior to other available Chaga products for several reasons. First, it is extracted from only the highest level of graded Chaga sourced from the forests of Siberia. This wild Chaga has been allowed to grow for 20 years in a symbiotic relationship on birch trees in the Siberian Mountains of Russia. As previously discussed, the 20 years growth cycle is necessary to harvest the most nutrient dense raw Chaga. Even when harvested from the wild, Chaga has various grades according to its nutritional density. Wildcrafted Siberian Chaga is formulated from only the highest grade of Chaga. Chaga not meeting the highest standards are rejected. Importantly, the standards for Chaga quality are measureable by equipment, such as Far infrared spectrometers and magnetic resonance analysis. Thus, the nutritional density of chemical composition of Wildcrafted Siberian Chaga compared to other versions of Chaga is known.
Recent studies have explored the anti-cancer potential of Chaga mushroom extract on oral cancer cells, finding that it significantly inhibits their growth by targeting energy metabolism pathways. This suggests that Chaga could be valuable in developing new therapeutic strategies for oral cancer, potentially offering a natural adjunct to conventional treatments.
Lab Test Report : SGS - HK, SGS - Korea, Standard : KFDA, FDA
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